16 Mei 2014

Subber is coming back! Polling...

Hola, it's been a long time since last my last post on December.
Alah, sok Inggris banget gua, lol
Udah lama yah, banget malah, bahkan ada yang sempet mikir gue mati pas kemah pramuka Desember lalu, mati kenapa? Dimakan beruang?

I'll subbing again on the next holiday, so decide what you want from me...

Continue the SKE48 no Ebi Friday Night?
Subbing something from HKT48?
Subbing something from NGZK46?
PV or MV with nice simple karaoke?

Leave comment.

8 komentar:

  1. klo ngesub nogibingo 2 gmn bang?
    subnya subshiro cmn sampe eps 4 doank

  2. lanjut SKE48 no Ebi Friday Night nya dong....
    tanggung udah jalan 4, klo ga salah cuma 13 eps kan..
    OK gan....:v

    1. SKE48 no Ebi Friday Night udah di sub indo sm
      http://rizal-kun.blogspot.com/ sampe eps 11

    2. wogh thanks gan, ternyata ada di sono :v

      klo gitu nogibingo aja min, sy bru punya 2 eps yg sub indo :)

    3. atau magical radio season 2 min ^_^

  3. はじめまして..

    I'm here to ask you about something that probably important and maybe it'll be impossible too.

    Can you get yourself into an united to do the subs?

    I'll make many Indonesian fansubs to get into the group that I made it.
    I'll gather you and other blog/fansubs into one group to make such cooperation.

    We'll work as team, cooperating and we could do it without competing each other though yourself as renao-sub can do it alone.

    And I think it'll be useful as there're many 48-videos that have to be subbed by us.

    Forget about visitors, forget about profit, please make yourself glad to do it without any prestige anymore.

    I'm waiting for your reply. Please PM me via Facebook if you're interested https://www.facebook.com/OmComento

    If you're agree with it, then please add my FB to your friend list and I'll make you as the part of us.


    Om Coment
